12 April 2023
The holy week leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ is a significant period for Christians worldwide, as it represents the ultimate sacrifice that Jesus made for humanity. Among the often overlooked events is Jesus' examination of a penny, which He used to expose the hypocrisy of the authorities of His time.
During the time of Jesus, the Jewish people were under the rule of the Roman Empire, which imposed taxes and its customs on them. Jesus' encounter with the Pharisees, who questioned Him about paying taxes to Caesar, brought into focus the tension between earthly responsibilities and spiritual obligations.
In Matthew 22:20-22, Jesus responds to the Pharisees' challenge about paying taxes by asking, "Whose image and inscription is this?" When they answer "Caesar’s," Jesus replies, "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s." His answer reveals the limited authority of earthly powers compared to the greater authority of God.
This moment highlights the struggle between fulfilling our earthly duties and remaining true to our spiritual calling. Jesus teaches that while we must respect earthly authority, our highest allegiance belongs to God. This lesson remains relevant for Christians today as we navigate the balance between earthly obligations and spiritual devotion.
Jesus’ use of the penny reminds us that no earthly authority can rival God’s power. As we live out our responsibilities in this world, we must remember that our ultimate loyalty is to God. In times of financial or emotional strain, let us trust in God’s authority to scatter anything that stands in our way, just as Jesus scattered the coins in the temple.
In conclusion, the examination of the penny during Holy Week teaches us about the limitations of earthly power and the supremacy of God's authority. Jesus' actions call us to give Caesar what is Caesar’s but to give God what belongs to Him—our devotion, trust, and obedience.