The Church Has An Assignment
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The Church Has An Assignment

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Apostle General Jannie Ngwale


11 July 2023


In this powerful message, Apostle General Jannie Ngwale delivers an important proclamation about the assignment of the Church of Jesus Christ. The mission extends to all believers, and it is our duty as disciples of Christ to fulfill it. This article emphasizes the significance of the Church’s assignment and its transformative impact on lives through the Word of God.

Understanding the Assignment

The assignment bestowed upon the Church is rooted in Matthew 28:19, where Jesus commands his disciples to go and make disciples of all nations. This scripture forms the foundation of our mission as followers of Christ. As the Church, we are called to be agents of transformation in the world.

The Disciples of Jesus

The moment we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord, we become His disciples. Mary, the mother of Jesus, exemplified this relationship when she confidently declared, "Do whatever he tells you" (John 2:5). As disciples, we are called to put the teachings of Jesus into practice, obeying His commandments and demonstrating our love for Him (John 14:21, 23).

Transforming the Nations

Jesus's command to go into all nations encompasses a vast mission. We are called to bring the standards of God's kingdom to the world, bringing heaven upon all nations (Deuteronomy 11:21). While this task may seem daunting, we must remember that Jesus is aware of the challenges we will face, and despite resistance, we are called to proclaim the transformative power of the Word of God.

Challenges and Disillusionment

As agents of transformation, we will encounter resistance to change. Disappointments may arise, but we must persevere, knowing that God has entrusted us with the mission to shine His light, even if the outcomes are not as expected.

The Creative Power of God's Word

The Word of God carries immense creative power. Just as God spoke the world into existence, His Word, spoken through us, brings miracles and transformation. We should never underestimate the potency of the Word in our lives and those we encounter.


As members of the Church, we are called to transform lives with the Word of God. Our responsibility is to bring light and proclaim the transformative power of Jesus Christ. Challenges may arise, but God's Word carries the creative power to change lives. Let us embrace our role as agents of transformation, speaking God's Word with boldness and watching as He works miracles in the lives of those we encounter.

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