Taking a Leaf from Moses
Most Read 5 min read

Taking a Leaf from a Biblical Icon

Nthabiseng Motubatse


Nthabiseng Motubatse


24 March 2023

The story of Moses is one of the most significant in the history of the world, particularly in the context of the church. Moses was chosen by God to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and into the Promised Land. However, beyond his leadership role in delivering the Israelites from bondage, Moses also played a significant role in building and advancing the church.

Moses' Close Fellowship with God

In Numbers 12:7-8, we see how God chose Moses to have close fellowship with Him. Even when criticized by his siblings, God defended Moses, demonstrating His special relationship with him.

Lessons from Moses for Modern Leaders

Moses teaches us the importance of resilience and perseverance. As leaders, we must remain committed to God's mission, trusting in Him even when challenges arise.

The Importance of Humility and Servant-hood

Moses was a humble leader who served others. He relied on God's strength and guidance, a lesson for leaders today to embrace humility and servant-hood.

Building the Church through Unity and Collaboration

Moses understood the power of unity. He worked tirelessly to unite the Israelites in pursuit of a common goal. As a church, we must also collaborate to advance God's kingdom.

God's Unique Relationship with Moses

God’s relationship with Moses was unique. In Deuteronomy 34:10, it is written, "And there arose not a prophet since in Israel like unto Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face."

Serving God Tirelessly

Serving God without tiring deepens your relationship with Him. Just as Moses was elevated by God, so too can we be transformed when we serve Him wholeheartedly.

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