Empty Tomb of Jesus - Resurrection Event
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Go Quickly: The Role of Women in the Resurrection of Jesus

Editor Nthabiseng Motubatse


Nthabiseng Motubatse


26 April 2023

The Courage of Women in Christianity

It was early Sunday morning when a group of brave women, part of the fellowship and gathering of Jesus Christ, took the courage to go to what seemed at the time a forbidden area. This place was heavily guarded. On their way, they discussed the gigantic stone sealing the tomb of Jesus. "How are we going to enter?" they wondered. "Who will roll away the stone?" As they approached the grave, they realized the stone had already been rolled away.

The Significance of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of Christianity. It continues to inspire and shape the lives of believers worldwide. Women were central figures in this momentous event. According to the Gospels, it was these courageous women who discovered the empty tomb. Their discovery would forever change the course of history, birthing a new era of hope and faith.

Women Find the Empty Tomb of Jesus

Upon approaching the tomb, the women found it empty. Jesus was not where they expected Him to be. Instead, they encountered angels who delivered a powerful message: “Go quickly and tell his disciples that he is risen from the dead; and behold, he goeth before you into Galilee; there shall ye see him: lo, I have told you” (Matthew 28:7). This message was prophetic. It was not just a declaration of Jesus' resurrection but also an instruction for the women to move with speed and purpose. The resurrection’s power would propel them forward in their lives and aspirations.

The Apostolic Mantle Given to Women

In the resurrection dispensation, God gave the apostolic mantle to women. They were entrusted with a significant task—to carry the message of resurrection with speed, energy, and urgency. This lesson encourages us not to delay or give up on our dreams. The same energy that these women applied after the resurrection should inspire all believers today.

The Power of Resurrection to Propel Us Forward

The resurrection not only symbolizes Jesus' triumph over death but also signifies the power to overcome life’s challenges. Whatever obstacles or delays you face, the resurrection is a reminder that God's power is at work, moving those obstacles out of your way.

Galilee: Preparation for Greatness

After the resurrection, Jesus instructed His disciples to meet Him in Galilee, a multicultural province. Galilee was a place of preparation where they learned new skills and gained insights. Jesus prepared them to interact with different nations. Similarly, God positions us for elevation in our own lives. He prepares us for future tasks that require wisdom, speed, and the ability to handle complex challenges.

The Empowerment of Pentecost

After their preparation in Galilee, Jesus told His disciples to return to Jerusalem to receive the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. This power equipped them to fulfill their mission of spreading the Gospel to all nations during Pentecost. Similarly, God empowers us to accomplish the great things He has set before us. The resurrection story is a reminder that nothing is impossible when God is with us.

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